About Eco Shaving

Eco Shaving – a better way to shave

Eco Shaving is a wholly Irish owned company specialising in premium high quality shaving products that are kind to our planet. In an era of hyper awareness around the need to preserve our natural environment, plastic pollution is firmly in focus as an urgent issue that simply must  be tackled. At Eco Shaving we are proud to say we are playing our part by offering superior eco-friendly shaving products to our loyal customer base at very affordable prices.

Men and women throughout Ireland and the entire world are now ditching what was previously the accepted norm of using plastic disposable razors in favour of more eco-friendly safety razors as part of their grooming regime. This is really good news considering the damage caused by the plastic disposable kind that have been polluting landfills around the globe for many decades.  This welcome trend is contributing in no small way to an overall reduction in global plastic consumption.

Eco Shaving’s premium brand safety razors will ensure you have no more irritation or stubble patches on your skin.

Our Vegan Shaving Brushes generate a rich and warm lather as you apply vegan shaving soap. The brush works by softening the hairs and lifting them from the surface of the skin. This ensures a closer shave as well as opening pores and lubricating your skin to keep it soft and smooth.

The durable double-edged blades that come with each of our safety razors glide effortlessly across your skin, giving you the best shave!

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